12 Tax Mistakes Every Entrepreneur Makes

As a busy entrepreneur, you’re wearing many different hats and your focus is probably on making more money or getting the right team in place. Sometimes seeing your accountants can feel like a trip to the dentist. However, if you’re not talking to them, then in the...
What Expenses Can I Claim Against Tax?

What Expenses Can I Claim Against Tax?

Did you know there are over 36 expenses you can claim against tax? When you incur expenses for your business, the taxman will contribute towards the cost so long as the whole purpose of the expense was for your business. So whilst you cannot claim for some personal...
Personal savings allowance update

Personal savings allowance update

From 6 April 2016, the personal savings allowance (PSA) will allow basic rate taxpayers to receive up to ÂŁ1,000 of savings income tax-free. For higher rate taxpayers, this limit will be ÂŁ500. HMRC have published guidance setting out details of what counts as...